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Want to discuss or report incidents in the Neighbourhood ? Join the Glenwood Neighbourhood Watch Facebook Group​

 Arena Ice Rentals, Volleyball/Basketball Court Rentals and Pickleball Slots are NOW ONLINE

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NEW!  50/50 Online Raffle

Glenwood Community Centre is excited to announce the launch of our 50/50 Raffle!  This is a great opportunity to support Glenwood Community Centre, while having a chance to win!

Tickets are available for purchase 
NOW online here:  Rafflebox Page.  The winning ticket will be drawn on Sunday, December 1, 2024 at 3:35pm!  The winner will receive half of the total amount raised and the other half will go towards supporting arena upgrades & repairs to the Glenwood Community Centre arena.

Ticket prices:
1 ticket / $5
3 tickets / $10
10 tickets / $25
25 tickets / $50
100 tickets / $100

For full rules and details, please visit our Rafflebox Page.

Rafflebox Poster.png

Update to City of Winnipeg Road Closures


The City of Winnipeg is continuing with their road repairs near our Community Centre.  The City has provided us with an update which is as of September 1, 2024:


Overton Street to Des Meurons Street - remains closed until further notice

Dunraven Avenue to Overton Street - closed until the end of November.

We would like to remind everyone that our Community Centre parking lot is for use by Community Centre patrons only.  Individuals who park their vehicles and are not in attendance in our Community Centre will be subject to having their vehicles towed.  Thank you. 

NEW!  Compost Program

We are in the midst of unveiling a compost program in conjunction with Compost Winnipeg.  More information will be available in the near future.

Social Hall and Room Rentals

Are you looking for a venue to host a social, birthday party, board meeting, etc.?  Glenwood Community Centre offers many different rooms to rent that will fit your needs.  For more information, please visit our Rentals tab. And to book a space, please ensure you complete our Rental Request Form which can be found under our Social Hall Rental tab or our Multipurpose/Gym Rental tab. 

Puck and Stick and Public Skating

Please note that we are making changes to our Puck & Stick program - more information to come on this!  Our free Puck and Stick and Public Skating program has now resumed!  Please note that our Calendar of Events is updated every Monday by 5:00pm.  If there is no Puck and Stuck/Public Skating identified on the calendar, this means there will be nothing for that week.  We would kindly ask that no phone calls be made to the office in regard to these times, as all information is on the website.  Please check the calendar before attending, as any changes will be posted.  For rules and further information on these programs, please go to our Puck & Stick and Public Skating page. 

Volunteers Needed!

With so many fun and exciting events and activities coming up, we are looking for some helping hands to ensure these events are a success!  If you are interested in volunteering with us and in particular these events, please visit our Volunteer tab to sign up!

Volleyball & Basketball Court Rentals

Glenwood Community Centre now offers Volleyball and Basketball Court Rentals!  Please visit our Court Rentals page for more information.

Butchie Bruins Skate Sharpening & Pro Shop 

Butchie Bruins' Skate Shop is now closed for the season and will re-open October 8, 2024.  If you require hockey tape, water bottles, etc. please visit the canteen to purchase.

Pickleball - Registration is now OPEN

Pickleball slots are now available for registration.  As we have implemented some changes (including a new booking platform), we would ask that you please visit our Pickleball page for more detailed information.  

If you should have any questions or require information regarding our Community Centre and/or Programs, please contact Coralie at:

Butchie Bruns Skate Shop
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